Richard's jaunt

Thursday, September 23, 2004


Some observations on the USA.

Yang things

  • Why is the 10 cent coin smaller than the 5c
  • Why are the dollar notes all the same shape and colour and look they have been made of toilet
  • paper. Never mind making web sites accessible, lets start with something fundamental like money.
  • Why does the milk taste so weird
  • Cheese; strange, tasteless gooey stuff. A variety of colours but not taste.
  • Choice, example 500 (I counted) preparations just to deal with head colds.And many variations of peanut butter are really needed
  • Why is nothing the price advertised, you have to do maths to work out the real price, which means nothing comes out at a nice round number.
  • Bloody one cent coins, bin them.
  • Taps, what is wrong with having simple hot and cold taps, not this game of is this a pull and twist (left or right?) or is it push, or which bit do you fiddle with to make the shower head work. Some are even motion activitated,I've even seen a motion activated hand towel dispenser.

Ying things (of many)

  • Green Tortise hostels
  • $3.99 for 1.5 litre red wine
  • book stores
  • The anti-bush jokes
  • China town
  • Fire engines
  • Sunshine every day
  • Music


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